bilacon established new method for the determination of OPC in grape seed extract

By OPC is meant oligomeric procyanidins and belongs to the group of secondary plant compounds. They are mainly found in grape seeds, but also in berries, peanuts and coconuts, for example.
Grape seed extract is often marketed as a dietary supplement because of the contained OPC's, as it is said to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning benefits.
Determination of the OPC content at bilacon
In order to know the exact OPC content of your product and to be able to provide correct information on the packaging, bilacon has established an in-house method to determine the total OPC content.
The measurement is done by HPLC-UV and the result of the total content is given in %. The turnaround time is 5-7 working days, express analysis is also possible on request.
bilacon is an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory and analyses your food supplements with more than 30 years of experience in food analysis. We also support you in labeling your products so that health claims comply with legal requirements.
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