Microbiological analysis

In the drinking water ordinance, limit values for microorganisms in drinking water are specified and these are strictly controlled in Germany, as exceeding them can lead to health hazards. Therefore, it is mandatory that owners, renters and operators conduct regular testing of the drinking water quality.
Relevant microbiological drinking water analyses include:

  • Determination of colony count at 22°C and 36°C.
  • Coliform germ
  • E. coli
  • Enterococci
  • Clostridium perfringens
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Legionella


Testing for Legionella is particularly important because Legionella is a common contaminant of drinking water pipes in e.g. homes, hospitals, swimming pools and hotels. However, cooling towers, evaporative cooling systems and wet separators also provide a habitat for Legionella under certain conditions. Legionella pose a danger especially for immunocompromised persons, since contact with aerosols containing legionella (droplet transmission) can cause diseases, sometimes fatal, similar to pneumonia.


microbiology drinking water bilacon

Chemical analysis of water

In addition to microbiological limit values, the Drinking Water Ordinance also regulates chemical maximum values. It is important not to exceed these limits, as exceeding them could be harmful to humans.
Tests for various heavy metals such as lead, copper and nickel may be necessary. In addition, water should be tested for various substances of concern, such as pesticides, nitrate, nitrite, and turbidity, as well as sediments

Stagnation test

A stagnation test is necessary when water stands in the pipes for a longer period of time, because various substances can pass into the water. Therefore, in this case, the water should be tested for the pH value, conductivity, temperature and heavy metals.


Sampling of drinking water

According to the Drinking Water Ordinance, sampling may only be carried out by accredited laboratories. bilacon is an accredited laboratory and our samplers are regularly trained and are qualified to perform sampling for drinking, well, cooling tower, process and bathing pool water.


Arrange directly an appointment for a sampling
+49 30 20 60 38 131
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