bilacon complaint process

complaint process bilacon

How to contact bilacon

We offer you several ways to contact us. Please choose the option that suits you best.

Contact us by phone

  1. Centrally at +49 30 206 038 230
  2. Directly to your account manager
  3. Directly to the management, department management or quality management

Contact us in writing

  1. Centrally at or via the contact form on our website
  2. Directly to your account manager
  3. Directly to the management, department management or quality management


Central Quality Management

We will have a sympathetic ear for you at all times!

Please tell us your concern and the reason for the complaint as precisely as possible. If it concerns a specific order and service, please give us the order number, sample number and/or test report number, if possible. If the complaint concerns a sample collection or sampling performed by us, please let us know the date and location of the sample collection or sampling, if possible.

This is how bilacon investigates and processes your complaint

Any form of customer feedback is recorded in our internal complaints management system by documenting every processing step from recording to customer feedback.

The recording is the responsibility of the employee who receives the customer feedback. The employee immediately checks the area of responsibility and, if necessary, forwards the customer feedback to a responsible and authorized employee. In addition, the complaint will be forwarded to our quality management and senior management.

Regardless of how you are contacted, you as a customer will immediately receive information that we have received your complaint and an indication of when you can expect to hear back from us. The processing time depends on the scope of the complaint and the departments, divisions or subcontractors involved.

As a rule, complaints are examined and processed in a step-by-step process:

  1. First of all, it is checked whether the facts described can be understood and under which area of responsibility they fall.
  2. If there are any uncertainties, we will contact you again.
  3. The complaint will then be forwarded directly to the responsible departments/areas.
  4. If the complaint concerns a subcontracted service, it will be communicated to the subcontractor, while maintaining confidentiality, and requested to be processed.
  5. In the case of administrative errors, the test or inspection report will be processed and corrected immediately.
  6. Complaints that go beyond formal errors are forwarded to the department or division management as well as to the management and quality management.
  7. In order to be able to define corrective measures, the cause of the error that led to the complaint is first evaluated with the employees involved in the team.
  8. If the root cause analysis reveals that a complaint is not justified, you will be informed of this with the explanation of our evaluation.
  9. Based on the cause and the named error, an internal check is made as to what extent other orders, samples, results and customers could be affected (extent analysis).
  10. Taking into account the cause and the extent, adequate corrective measures are initiated in a timely manner. If necessary, corrective measures are also established to prevent and avoid a recurrence of the error.
  11. The implementation and effectiveness testing of the measures are planned and defined in terms of time.

This is how you receive feedback on your complaint

Regardless of the type of complaint, you will receive appropriate feedback on the facts within a reasonable time frame.

If the complaint is of a formal nature, you will receive feedback when the test or inspection report is sent, in which the reason for change and the change notice are explained in writing in the cover letter (mail).

In case of complaints of technical and analytical nature or concerning the service, the processing may take more than 3 days, especially if, for example, repeat measurements have to be carried out. In this case we will inform you regularly about the current processing status.
After completion of the entire complaint review process, we will send you a corresponding written statement via e-mail in which we present the results of the complaint evaluation and the determination of measures. Depending on the severity of the complaint and at your request, we will send you an official statement that has been coordinated with the management and quality management.

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