Flexible accreditation
In addition, bilacon GmbH is accredited for further fields of application which cannot be found in the annex to the certificate.
The accreditation certificate represents an extract from the entire spectrum of accredited examination methods of bilacon GmbH.
The bilacon has three categories of flexibility. In category II and I, represented on the certificate as **) and *) respectively, it is permitted on the part of the accreditation body (DAkkS) to include test methods in the accreditation without prior assessment.
For inclusion in the flexible accreditation scope, the following three requirements must be met:
1. the new test method can be assigned to an existing chapter of the certificate system, taking into account the measurement technique and the matrix to be examined.
2. a complete validation or verification of the method using the matrix to be investigated, including the determination of all relevant performance characteristics, among others, limit of detection, limit of quantification, precision, trueness and measurement uncertainty, must be available.
3. the accuracy of the method is demonstrated by participation in an external proficiency test in the form of an official interlaboratory comparison, interlaboratory comparison or other option.
Flexibility in the scope of accreditation has been applied for and demonstrated competence in this area. All test methods used by the laboratory with reference to accreditation are verified or validated.
In addition, test procedures can be included on the certificate facility upon application to the DAkkS, provided that the above-mentioned three criteria are met.
Further information on flexibility can be found in the instructions for the certificate system and in DAkkS Rulebook 71 SD 0 002.
A current overview of the entire spectrum of testing - this includes accredited, non-accredited procedures as well as testing procedures in the flexible scope - is currently available as a printout at the locations of bilacon GmbH. We are currently working on providing you an online overview soon.
For our full application scope, please feel free to contact us:
+49 30 20 60 38 230